Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

CFF auction PART 2

Well the charity Auction info which can be found here:

Cystic Fibrosis Charity Auction Info on TFW2005

is going strong. Got a huge amount of customs lined up as well as several bonus goodies in store to go along with the auction. At this rate I may have to do more them one auction to cover all the items.

Check it out.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

WOW almost a year.... New toys, New life, and a charity auction for the CFF

Wow it has been almost a year since my last blog post. I guess I am not a typical blogger. lets see.... What has happened in the last nine months...... I moved to another state. I am now in the state of Fl. I am remarried to the woman of my dreams and I have been customizing like mad. I have made several toys a reality.

Here are just a few:

WFC Flywheels

Customs for my sons' Christmas both are triple changers:

My oldest gets Treyitron:

And my youngest gets Johnitron:

Plus a lot of other nice ones. More to follow.

Also I am hosting a charity event in April to support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. It will host several kick arse customs as well a lot of bonus goodies donated from the TF community.

Here are a few WIP pics of some of the goodies (click them to enlarge):

If you want to help out with this event you can find all the info here:

Just copy and paste it in your browser.

Thank you, and I promise next update will not be a year away.
