Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Warhammer 40K Soul Grinder Before and After

So I wanted to make my son a Soul Grinder for his birthday. So I got to work using everything from A Spiderman Doc Octopus figure, to a Gundam with all sorts of bits and putty thrown in. It is about the same size as a actually Soul Grinder so it works perfect. Plus it fits nicely into his theme for the army.


More pics can be found here: Soul Grinder

Daemon Prince for 40K

Here is a Daemon Prince I made for my so for Warhammer 40K.

C&C is always welcome.

My Son's Orks

My sons love playing 40K as well as I do. Granted they are still learning to paint but they are getting better. Here are some Orks my youngest did.

Junkion: Kibble

This is a custom Junkion I made for a friend. He's name is Kibble.He is one of the few Junkions that prefer a car mode. Enjoy:

More pics of him can be seen here:
Junkion: Kibble

C&C is welcome.